How Do You Help Seniors & their families?

We are not real estate agents. Four Oaks Road are Mom’s House trained Senior Transition Specialists. We are real estate investors ready to offer you much-needed cash for your home so you can avoid the costly, time-consuming process of getting the house ready and selling in the retail market.

Are There Any Costs To Use Four Oaks Road?

Our services are of NO COST to you. This is a no-pressure situation. We want your mom to want to sell us your home when they’re ready. They don’t even have to clean it up or clean it out.

How Long Does It Take To Sell The Home?

We complete the transaction in weeks not months – for cash. It really depends on the timetable for the family and how much time they need to ready the senior to move in.

Do You Accept The Home as-Is?

Yes, the families take the belongings they want and leave the rest behind. Our Senior Transition Specialists are experts and will handle all the “stuff” related to downsizing.